When a puppy is teething, it is normal for them to become excessively nippy. We need to remember that, just like a toddler growing in their teeth, it is uncomfortable and sometimes painful for a puppy as well. the best way to manage them when they are teething is to keep them busy and give them lots of frozen treats to try to help numb their gums. Puppies don't get all their adult teeth in until they are about 6 months old. Anywhere from 3-8 months your pup will be teething and need some good chews to be able to help alleviate some of the discomfort they are experiencing. Rope Toys These can be very useful when your puppy is teething. They are a nice thing for your pup to chew on to help pass the time (watch that they don't tear and ingest any of the strings) and very versatile. You can soak and freeze rope toys to help with the soreness of their mouth. Keep in mind that sodium is not good for a dog in large quantities, so either soak in water...
Jacqueline (Jackie) with Focused Fido writes about some common challenges in the dog world along with ways for you to keep your pooch drained of energy and loving life!